
The Woman Back from Moscow

Author: Ha Jin
Price: $15.00
Publisher Location: New York
Publisher: Other Press
Year Published: 2023
Book Condition: Near Fine
Binding: Soft cover
Edition: First Edition
A CThis novel covers the early years of the Communist Party, when prominent members were sent to Moscow for advanced education or communist or communist training. hweroine of this novel tries to stay clear of politics and focus on acting and directing in the theatre. Her story is based on that of the life of Sun Weishi, a brilliant theatrical director who eventually ran afoul of Mao's wife. This is called a novel because so many facts from this period are not available in any form. Beautifully told, a story of how difficult it is to be Chinese, and live to tell the tale. This copy has probably been read once and has no blemises, inside or out.
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