

Author: Livingstone, David
Price: $450.00
Publisher Location: London
Publisher: John Murray
Year Published: 1857
Book Condition: Very Good
Binding: 3/4 Leather
Edition: First Edition
SCARCE second issue with lithotint plates that are missing in later printings. Rest of the title is, "Including a Sketch of Sixteen Years' Residence in the Interior of Africa, and a Journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the West Coast; Thence Across the Continent, Down the River Zambesi, to the Eastern Ocean". This is a landmark Africa travel book that made the author's reputation as an explorer as well as missionary. And it remains a very good read. Pages x, 687 plus 8 pages publisher adverts. Abbey Travel 347. Hess-Coger 3068. Mendelsohn I,908. Three quarter green morocco binding, with green cloth boards and marbled endpapers. On the spine, raised bands, gilt decoration in the panels and bright gilt title. Also marbled page edges to match the endpapers! Clean and tight inside, with no foxing. No prior owner marks. All plates and maps present as called for in the list of illustrations, and in Abbey Travel, including three fine lithotint plates that were omitted in later printings. Maps in fine condition.
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