The Zealous Intruders; The Western Rediscovery of Palestine
Author: Shepherd, Naomi
Price: $6.00
Publisher Location: San Francisco
Publisher: Harper & Row.
Year Published: 1987
Book Condition: Fine
Dust Jacket Condition: Fine
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: First Edition
Price: $6.00
Publisher Location: San Francisco
Publisher: Harper & Row.
Year Published: 1987
Book Condition: Fine
Dust Jacket Condition: Fine
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: First Edition
At the end of the 18th Century, in the wake of Napoleon's disastrous invasion, Palestine as the Holy Land was seen by the West as in need of Western help and modernization. Explorers, scholars, painters, archaeologists, and pilgrims all came. Pages 282 with index. Illustrated by 8 pp photos, map. 1st US edition. An engaging read. Spot on the bottom edge may be a remainder mark.