Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, 4 Volumes
Author: Johnson, Robert Underwood
Price: $90.00
Publisher Location: New York
Publisher: Thomas Yoseloff
Year Published: 1956
Book Condition: Good
Dust Jacket Condition: Slipcase
Binding: Full-Leather
Price: $90.00
Publisher Location: New York
Publisher: Thomas Yoseloff
Year Published: 1956
Book Condition: Good
Dust Jacket Condition: Slipcase
Binding: Full-Leather
A facsimile reprint in quality, as new paper inside. The same size as the first edition, an edition of only 100 copies bound in full dark blue morocco. Sadly the spines are worn and chipped. Bright gilt titles and raised bands on the spines. Solid hinges inside and out, so a very readable set. This was a sought after account of the Civil War in its day, but no longer compares to modern accounts such as Shelby Foote. It is a companion piece for its illustrations, and battle accounts. Inside Exceedingly clean and tight. This is a bargain because of its worn spines. Images on request. Protected in the publisher's original slipcase.